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Thailand Flagge

Thailand at a glance:

  • Capital: Bangkok

  • Population: approx. 71.7 million

  • Area: 513,115 km²

  • Population density: 136 inhabitants/km²

  • Official language: Thai

  • State & Form of government: Constitutional monarchy

  • Currency: Baht

  • Time difference to Germany: +5:00 h


Our Travel Guide for Thailand:

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Best Time to Travel

There's so much to explore in Thailand! Bangkok, the capital, is filled with impressive temples, vibrant markets, and, of course, an exciting nightlife.

In the north, Chiang Mai awaits with ancient temples and the opportunity to experience elephants up close.

The beaches in Phuket and other islands like Koh Samui are stunningly beautiful, offering water sports and fantastic parties. Ayutthaya, an ancient city, is perfect for history enthusiasts with its temple ruins.

During your vacation, please make sure to respect Thai culture, dress appropriately, and maintain good hygiene.

The best time to travel is from November to February. Before you embark on your journey, stay informed about current conditions and local safety guidelines.

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